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The question must have come in the mind of every person interested in space at one time or the other, is there any possibility of life other than the earth?

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The answer is yes, scientists have told about an exoplanet where the possibility of life has been found.

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The name of this exoplanet is Wolf 1069b, the planet has low heat and the possibility of life is considerable.

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Exoplanets are planets that exist outside our solar system but revolve around

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a star in the same way that the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun.

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Wolf 1069b is located 31 light-years from Earth, almost the same size as Earth.

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The presence of much ultraviolet radiation on the exoplanet is unlikely, so it is quite possible that it could save the environment.

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Wolf 1069b is known to be about the same size and mass as Earth and orbits its star in 15.6 days.

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That is, the earth which completes one round in 365 days, this planet completes it in about 16 days.

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Scientists have used an instrument called CARMANUS to search for other such planets in order to find more planets with the potential of life like Earth.