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Astronomers have discovered the most distant star in the Milky Way galaxy.

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This star is about halfway up the Andromeda galaxy.Let's know that in relation to the star...

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As science progresses, astronomy is moving far beyond Earth's orbit and astronomers have now discovered the most distant star in the Milky Way galaxy.

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More than 200 distant variable stars, known as RR Lyrae stars, have been discovered in the stellar halo of the Milky Way.

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RR Lyrae are old stars with very specific physical properties...... ..

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Astronomers can identify an RR Lyrae star by its characteristic pulsations, then use its observed 

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brightness to calculate how far away it is. The most distant star is about a million light-years away from Earth.

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Dark matter, which dominates the halo, makes up the majority of the universe's mass and is thought to be responsible for 

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its core structure, with its gravity influencing visible matter to come together and form stars and galaxies.