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Increasing global warming, scientists are preparing to cool the sun to save the world from destruction, let's know.... 

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The only planet in the solar system on which life is found is now moving towards becoming a hot furnace. 

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Our earth is warming very fast, we are seeing an example of this in the form of changing weather cycles every year. 

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February, which gives a feeling of sweet cold, has lost its charm these days with a temperature of 27 degrees. 

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This is happening not only in India, but in every part of the world.  The weather has changed its  

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mood and now people are witnessing floods, cyclones, storms, snowfall and scorching heat. 

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Reducing the heat coming from the Sun is called Solar Geoengineering. Let's know what is this process..... 

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Scientists have now embarked on a different path to prevent the scorching earth from becoming a furnace of fire. 

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Through this process, it will be tried that the heat of the sun's rays reaches the earth in less quantity. 

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This theory is based on the principle that with the help of flat and large balloons, the layer of the earth's atmosphere, called the stratosphere,  

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will be buried in sulphur, which will stabilize the sun's rays and reflect them back to the earth, called the sun. Less heat will be able to reach.