World Youth Skills Day 15 July 2022


World Skill Youth Day is celebrated to enhance the youth education system and transform youth skills for the future.

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Theme of this day 15 July 22

The day will focus on changing  current education system for a better future of youth 

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Origin of this day 

In 2014, this day was developed by the United Nations Assembly to celebrate the importance of providing youth with employment and skills for good work.

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Why celebrate World Youth Skills Day?

This day is celebrated all over the world to achieve better socio-economic status for the youth.

15 July 2022

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How do we celebrate this day?

We should organise a discussion among youngs to exchange ideas, to help young people accept others with a better understanding.

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Interesting facts about youth

Youth constitute 25% of the total working age population, but up to 40% are unemployed.

15 July 2022

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Current Youth Biggest Problem

Around 400 million youth around the world are suffering from unemployment. They should be given employment according to their interest.

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Advice for youth

All youth of  world need to achieve  one thing, that is believing in yourself, being disciplined, & having strong patience for a better future

Yellow Leaves

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High quality education system and technical life skills training in every field can help the youth to have a better future.

Tips for the betterment of today's youth

15 July 2022

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The day is a great for countries to improve their national skilling strategies & improve cooperation with international organisations to support the talents of youth

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