January 25, 2025
World Teachers Day
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“Teachers: leading in crisis, reimagining the future.”


World Teachers Day is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. World Teachers Day also known as International Teachers Day. It celebrate the aniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO recommendation about the status of teachers. Which sets benchmarks as for the rights and responsibilities of teachers.

And standards for their starting preparations and furthure education, appointment, employment, and teaching and also learning conditions. The recommendation about the status of Higher-Eduction Teaching Personnel was adopt in 1997 to addition. Recovering teaching staff in higher education in the 1966 recommendation. World’s Teacher’s Day has been celebrate since 1994.

Almost everybody has also favourite teacher. Someone who went above and far away to encourage you because they could see your likely. Also may be you are a teacher working hard to help young people learn and grow. Considering that teachers mold future generations. Taking one day every year to say “Thank you” is the least we can do. No matter where you are also in the world today, remember that teachers matter.

History Of World Teachers Day

This history of World Teachers Day is trace back to 5th October 1966. The special intergovermental meeting had been use on the status of teachers in Paris. An analysis of issues affecting the teaching profession in France. Finally, the conference reached a consensus and closed their investigation. As a result, they publish a document “Recommendation concerning the status of Teachers.” Which was sign by both members of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNESCO.

World Teachers Day was established by the United Nations in 1994. They chose October 5th because it was on this date in 1996. A significant step was taken for teachers in 1966. This day was launch with the motive of promoting help towards teachers and creating. Awareness that teachers play a critical in meeting the needs of future generations. The day is celebrate today in about 100 nations around the globe. On this day, programmes are organise in schools, colleges in respect of their teachers.

Significance Of World Teachers Day

The service of teachers and also their contribution to education are acknowledge on World Teachers Day. During this seminar, the challenges associated with the teaching profession will be discussed. This day is an occassion to resolve issues regarding to teaching profession. The right and reponsibility of teachers are also recognized.

The day honours educator’s association’s around the world. It was create by the United Nations Educational. Scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO) not only to show appreciation for teachers all over the world. But also to assess the day and help teachers to improve. Educators must be prepared to meet the requirements of the future by meeting these requirements.

We know that many contries their own national teachers day but according to UNESCO. It is also necessary to observe the national issues that affect teachers from an international view. The day brings attention to the numerious issues surrounding teacher recruitment, training, and education. The day is significant in terms of overcoming these difficulties and marking their progress. On World Teachers Day, teachers are also spotlighted for their working conditions and job prospects throughout the world. As well as the ways in which they are discriminate against.

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World Teachers Day Stats

  • In India, the share of female teachers declines with the remoteness of schools. From 60% when the school is located at the local goverment seat to 30% when it is 30km away.
  • More teachers are need in displacement settings. Turkey would need 80,000 additional teachers if all refugees enrolled. Uganda would need an additional 7,000 primary teachers and Germany would need 42,000 new teachers and educators. Yet refugee teachers are often exclude from national training programs because of professional regulations on right to work.
  • Nearly 94% of teachers in pre-primary education, but only about half of those in upper secondary education, are female.
  • The proportion of women among primary school teachers in low-income countries (41%) is half that in high-income countries (82%).
  • In low-income countries, only 23% of secondary school teachers are women.
  • At the teritary level, only 19% of teachers are women in low-income countries. And about 46% or less in the other income groups.

How To Observe World Teachers Day

Suprise your teacher with a gift

Kids can show their appreciation by giving their teacher a heart fell “Thankyou” card. Suprising them with homemade crafts of drawings, or by writing a poem of admiration.

Make teachers feel special

Parents love teachers, too. Show that also just how much on World Teachers Day. You can hold a raffle with coffee mugs, gift cards, and other items with the help of our local PTA. You can offer coffee and donuts to teachers or ask parents to host a potluck breakfast before school begins.

Give teachers the royal treatment

Being a teacher also can be stressful, exhausting and frustating. On World Teachers Day, school also administrations should pamper their teachers. Having lunch catered or surprising teachers with a 10-minute massage a great ways to let teachers know that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Themes Of World Tecahers Day Previous Years

  • 2015 – “Empowering Teachers: Building sustainable socities.”
  • 2016 – “Valuing teachers, improving their status.”
  • 2017 – “Teaching in freedom, Empowering teachers.”
  • 2018 – “The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher.”
  • 2019 – “Young teachers : The future of the profession.”
  • 2020 – “Teachers : Leading incrisis, reimagining the future.
  • 2021 – “Teachers at the heart of education recovery.”

Why World Teachers Day Is Important

It honours the teaching profession

Setting up at the crack of dawn with the patience of a saint and being a positive inluence is stressful.

It highlights current issues affecting teachers

Sure, having summers off is a highly-coveted perk, but there are also still many complex issues affecting teachers within eaducational systems throughout the world. These include maintaining acedmic freedom, creating autonomy for educational institutions and developing and maintaining professonal teaching standards in high education.

It applauds progress but challenges stagnation

Although the educational system and the teachers play in it have come a long way, there is still a long way to go. Due to this, the UN created the 2030 sustainable development goal for education.


Teachers play an important role in the development of any country. Because of this, it is so important to resignate a day when teachers are recognized. We celebrate World Teachers Day to honor the contribution of teachers in our lives.

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