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What is Global warming 7 steps

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Introduction (What is Global warming)

Introduction (What is Global warming)
Introduction (What is Global warming)

What is Global warming. Global warming is an issue that has been faced by the world since the beginning of time.

It affects all aspects of our lives, including our health and environment. Keep reading to know more about ”What is Global warming”.

The warming trend can be attributed to many factors such as increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere due to human activities like burning fossil fuels or deforestation,

but there are also other factors involved such as changes in ocean currents or atmospheric patterns caused by natural cycles such as El Niño-

Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This article will discuss some effects of global warming on human health.

Rise in earth’s surface temperature (What is Global warming)

What is Global warming. The increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to the greenhouse effect is called global warming.

Global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases trap infrared radiation from escaping back into space, which warms our planet.

The oceans have absorbed about 90 percent of all human-caused global warming since 1950, according to a report released by NASA and NOAA on May 2nd 2018.[1]

Melting of glaciers (What is Global warming)

What is Global warming. Melting of glaciers is a major problem for the people, animals and plants.

Glaciers form by snowfall on the tops of mountains and then freezes. When it melts, water flows down the glacier in streams,

which then freeze again forming a new layer of ice over each year. As you can see in this picture,  Keep reading to know more about ”What is Global warming”.

glaciers are formed by snowfall or rain but they also help us to get water from sea or rivers into lakes or even oceans so that all living things can live there (Animals need oxygen –

it comes from fresh air).

Drought and flood (What is Global warming)

What is Global warming.

  • Drought is a lack of precipitation.
  • Flood is a large amount of precipitation.
  • Both drought and flood can lead to famine, disease, wars and displacement of people.

Watch till the end to know more about ”What is Global warming”.

Changes in precipitation patterns (What is Global warming)

What is Global warming. Climate change can bring about changes in precipitation patterns. The higher temperatures cause more evaporation of water,

which leads to a decrease in the amount of available moisture for precipitation. As temperatures rise,

there’s less air with water vapor in it and therefore less chance that clouds will form over land or oceans (clouds are made up mostly by tiny droplets).

The result is increased droughts across some regions where there may be no snowfall at all during wintertime—

and those who live there might not have enough drinking water for themselves or their livestock when it comes time for spring planting!

Stronger tropical storms (What is Global warming)

Stronger tropical storms (What is Global warming)
Stronger tropical storms (What is Global warming)
  • There are more hurricanes and cyclones in the tropics.
  • Storms are stronger, longer-lasting and more frequent.
  • The intensity of storms has increased by about 35%.

Infestation of forest pests and disease (What is Global warming)

The spread of pests and disease is a serious problem for the environment. Pests are organisms that can cause damage to your garden, field or food industry,

such as rats and mice. Diseases are illnesses caused by microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses.

Global warming has caused the spread of pests and disease in many ways:

  • Rising temperatures have allowed some insects to move northward; they’ll inhabit areas where they were previously unable to survive at all times of year (such as during winter).
    This means that some areas may become infested with pests like mosquitoes because they’re not used to being cold!
  • Warmer temperatures also mean that plants need more water than before—
    so much so that some plants will die if there isn’t enough water available for them during dry periods like summer months!

Some effects of global warming on human health (What is Global warming)

  • Global warming is a threat to human health.
  • Global warming threatens our environment and economy.
  • The food supply may be affected by global warming, which could lead to increased rates of malnutrition and undernutrition.
  • The water supply may be affected by global warming, which could lead to an increase in diseases such as malaria and diarrhea caused by pathogens that thrive in warm temperatures or low oxygen levels (eutrophication)

Conclusion (What is Global warming)

Global warming is a problem that can be addressed through the use of sustainable energy production and reduction in fossil fuel usage.

Hope you have got complete information about ”What is Global warming‘.
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