January 25, 2025
Image Annotation

What are the Different Types of Image Annotation?

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Introduction –

Image Annotation – One of the most essential computer vision tasks is image annotation. Through a variety of applications, computer vision essentially tries to give machines eyes—the ability to perceive and grasp the world. Initiatives in machine learning periodically seem to release cutting-edge technology that we had never thought imaginable. One example of an AI-powered technology that has the potential to change people’s lives and businesses around the world is augmented reality. Other examples include automatic voice recognition and neural machine translation.

Additionally, computer vision can offer amazing technology (autonomous cars, facial recognition, and unmanned drones). However, none of these astounding computer vision skills would be imaginable without data annotation, which includes image and video annotation.

In order to determine the upcoming trend in picture annotation for 2022, read this article.

Image Annotation
What is Image Annotation?

What is Image Annotation?

In order to train machine learning models, photographs in a dataset are labelled through the process of image annotation. A machine learning or deep learning model processes labelled images after the manual annotation is finished in order to reproduce the annotations without human oversight. Any errors in the labels are duplicated as well because image annotation establishes the criteria that the model strives to follow.

As a result, accurate image annotation serves as the basis for training neural networks, making it one of the most crucial computer vision tasks. Model-assisted labelling is the term used to describe the process of an image being labelled entirely by a model. Both manually annotating images and employing an automatic annotation tool are options. ‍

Auto annotation technologies often use pre-trained algorithms that can tag photos accurately to some extent. Their annotations are crucial for challenging annotation jobs, such as the labour-intensive creation of segment masks.

In these situations, auto-annotate tools support manual annotation by offering a foundation from which additional annotation can be carried out. In most cases, instruments that help record key points for quick data labelling and data storage are used in conjunction with manual annotation.

Why Does AI Need Annotated Data?

The training data for supervised AI models is produced through image annotation. The way we annotate photographs predicts how the AI will behave once it has seen and learned from those images. As a result, poor annotation frequently appears during training, which leads to inaccurate predictions from models.

In particular, annotated data is required when using AI in a novel domain to solve a particular problem. There are frequently pre-trained models available for common tasks like picture segmentation and classification, and they can be customised to particular use cases with the aid of Transfer Learning with little to no additional training data.

However, creating a large amount of annotated data that is divided into the train, validation, and test sets is challenging and time-consuming when training an entire model from scratch. On the other hand, unsupervised algorithms can be trained directly on the unprocessed obtained data since they don’t need annotated training material.

Image Annotation
How does Image Annotation Work?

How does Image Annotation Work?

Let’s now discuss the specifics of how image annotation functions in practice.

A tool for image annotation and sufficient high-quality training data are two requirements before you can begin labelling your photographs. The right questions must be asked in order to identify the tool that best suits our use case from among the many picture annotation solutions available. It’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the data type being annotated as well as the task at hand before selecting the appropriate annotation tool.

You should pay close attention to:

  • The data’s delivery method
  • The necessary type of annotation
  • The file format that annotations ought to be stored in

There are several technologies that can be utilised for annotations due to the enormous range in picture annotation tasks and storage formats. From simple annotations using open-source platforms like CVAT and labelling to complex annotations using tools like V7. Additionally, annotating can be done on an individual or organisational level, or it can be contracted out to independent contractors or businesses that provide annotating services.

Here is a short guide on how to begin annotating photographs.

1. Source your raw image or video data – Preparing raw data in the form of pictures or videos is necessary for the initial step in image annotation. Before being brought in for annotation, data is often cleansed and processed to remove duplicates and low quality content. You have two options: either gather and analyse your own data, or use publicly accessible datasets, which are nearly always offered with a particular kind of annotation.

2. Find out what label types you should use – The kind of task the algorithm is being taught has a direct impact on the type of annotation that should be used. Labels take the form of class numbers when the algorithm is learning how to classify images. On the other side, if the system is learning image segmentation or object detection, the annotation would be boundary box coordinates or semantic masks, respectively.

3. Create a class for each object you want to label – The majority of supervised deep learning methods require fixed-class data to be used. Therefore, defining a predetermined number of labels and their names in advance can aid in avoiding the creation of duplicate classes or the labelling of comparable objects under several class names. With V7, we are able to annotate based on a predefined group of classes, each of which has a unique colour encoding. As a result, annotation is made simpler and errors like typos or ambiguous class names are decreased.

4. Annotate with the right tools – Following the selection of the class labels, you may begin annotating your image data. Depending on the computer vision task the annotation is being done for, the corresponding object region may be annotated or picture tags may be added. You should supply class labels for each of these areas of interest after the demarcation phase. Bounding boxes, segment maps, and polygons are examples of complex annotations that should be as precise as possible.

5. Version your dataset and export it – Depending on how it will be utilised, data can be exported in a variety of formats. JSON, XML, and pickle are a few common export techniques.

However, there are additional export formats that can be used to train deep learning algorithms, such as COCO and Pascal VOC. These formats first came into usage when deep learning algorithms were tailored to match them. By exporting a dataset in the COCO format, we may avoid the added burden of adapting the dataset to the model inputs and simply plug it into a model that supports that format. All of these export techniques are supported by V7, and we can also use the dataset we produce to train a neural network.

How Long Does Image Annotation Take? 

The quantity of data needed and the intricacy of the accompanying annotation both affect how long annotations take. Faster than annotations containing objects from thousands of classes are simple annotations with a small number of objects to work on.

Similar to this, annotations that only require the image to be tagged can be finished considerably more quickly than those that require several key points and objects to be located.

Why Do You Need to Annotate the Images?

Projects for image annotation may have slightly varying specifications. The foundation of every successful annotation project, however, consists of a wide range of images, skilled annotators, and an appropriate annotation platform.

Diverse images – A machine learning system needs hundreds, if not thousands, of photos to be trained in order to produce somewhat accurate predictions. The more independent, diversified, and accurate representations of the environment you have, the better for you.

Let’s say you want to programme a security camera to look for criminal activities or unusual behaviour. In this situation, you’ll need photographs of the provided street taken at various angles and in various lighting situations in order to build a trustworthy model. To ensure accuracy in your predictions, make sure your photographs cover nearly every scenario that could arise.

Trained annotators – An image annotation project can only succeed with the help of a well-trained and managed staff of annotators. Effective project execution depends on establishing a strong QA (quality assurance) procedure and maintaining open lines of communication with key stakeholders and the annotation service. One of the greatest data labelling methods is giving the workforce a clear annotation guideline since it enables them to avoid errors before they are put through training.

Additionally, ensure that you provide your staff regular feedback for a better QA process and foster an atmosphere where everyone feels encouraged to speak up and openly seek for help when necessary. Try to be as specific as you can with your feedback, and always consider how it can affect any edge cases.

Suitable annotation platform – A useful and user-friendly annotation tool is the foundation of every successful picture annotation project. Make sure the platform you choose for picture annotation has the tools you need to support your continuing use cases.

The editor your annotators are using lacks a grouping experience. Let your worries be known. When the tool’s next version is released, perhaps its designers will be able to give you that information. To keep track of a project’s development and monitor its quality, an integrated management system and quality control procedure are also required.

Because you never know when a technological problem will arise, make sure the image annotation platform you select offers technical help via documentation and a committed 24/7 support team. In fact, this is a key factor in the industry-leading companies’ confidence in SuperAnnotate for image annotation.

Quality for users – To reduce inaccurate computations or erroneously applied labels in the data, a reliable picture annotation platform must be created. In an ideal scenario, it would preserve remote user management while streamlining and strengthening the skills of those who can assess the duties of the annotators. An innovative and advanced annotation platform should eliminate and identify human errors as well as increase the delivery of more annotated objects in less time by automating difficult annotation procedures.

Image Annotation
What are the Different Types of Image Annotation?
What are the Different Types of Image Annotation?

Let’s now go over the types of picture annotation that we frequently see. The following sorts of annotation are distinct in nature, but they are not mutually exclusive, and by combining them, you can significantly improve the accuracy of your model.

Image classification – Giving an image a label helps with the work of “classifying” it, which seeks to grasp the image as a whole. Overall, rather than focusing on a particular object, it involves recognising and classifying the group that a picture belongs to. Image classification, as a general rule, applies to pictures with just one thing in them.

Object detection – In contrast to image classification, which involves giving a label to a whole image, object detection involves giving labels to specific items inside an image. As the name implies, object detection locates and labels things of interest inside an image by using the information provided by the image.

You can either utilise a pre-trained detector or train your own object detector with your own image annotations when it comes to computer vision object recognition tasks. CNN, R-CNN, and YOLO are a few of the more popular methods for object detection.

Segmentation – Segmentation goes beyond object identification and image classification. With this technique, an image is divided into several segments, each of which is given a label. In other words, labelling and classification at the pixel level. Segmentation is frequently used for very difficult jobs that demand a higher level of precision when sorting inputs. It is used to track objects and margins in images. In fact, segmentation, which can be divided into three sub-groups, can be seen as one of the most crucial tasks in computer vision.

Semantic segmentation – Semantic segmentation consists of dividing an image into clusters and assigning a label to every cluster. It is the task of collecting different fragments of an image and is considered a method of pixel-level prediction. There is basically no pixel that doesn’t belong to a class in semantic segmentation. To sum it up briefly, semantic segmentation can be understood as the process of classifying a specific aspect of an image and excluding it from the remaining image classes.

Instance segmentation – Instance segmentation is a computer vision task for sensing and confining a specific object from an image. It is a distinct practice of image segmentation as it mainly deals with identifying instances of objects and establishing their limits.

It is also very much relevant and heavily used in today’s ML world as it can cover use cases such as autonomous vehicles, agriculture, medicine, surveillance, etc. Instance segmentation identifies the existence, location, shape, and count of objects. You can use instance segmentation to point out how many people there are in an image, let’s say.

Semantic vs. instance segmentation – Let’s give an example to clarify the distinction between semantic and instance segmentation since they are frequently used interchangeably. Consider that we need to annotate an image of three dogs. All of the dogs will fall under the same “dog” class in the case of semantic segmentation, however instance segmentation will also give them individual instances as three distinct things (despite being assigned the same label).

Instance segmentation is especially useful in cases where you’re tasked with separately monitoring objects of similar type, which pretty much explains the instance is one of the most challenging ones to comprehend out of the remaining segmentation techniques.

Panoptic segmentation – Panoptic segmentation is where instance segmentation and semantic segmentation meet. It classifies all the pixels in the image (semantic segmentation) and identifies which instances these pixels belong to (instance segmentation). In the panoptic segmentation task, you must categorise every pixel in the image as going to a class label, yet you also need to categorise which instance of that class they go with.

Each dog will be tallied independently in our case, even if all the pixels in the image will be given labels. In contrast to instance segmentation, panoptic segmentation assigns an exclusive label to each pixel that corresponds to an individual instance, ensuring that no instances overlap.

What are some Image Annotation Techniques?

There are a number of image annotation techniques, though not all of them will be applicable to your use case. Getting a firm grasp of the most common image annotation techniques is crucial to understanding what your project needs are and what kind of annotation tool to use to address those.

Bounding boxes – Bounding boxes are used to draw rectangles around objects such as furniture, trucks, and parcels, and it is, in general, more effective when such objects are symmetrical.

The autonomous car sector, for example, depends on algorithms that can detect and locate objects with the aid of image annotation with bounding boxes. Self-driving automobiles can navigate the roadways securely with the help of annotations of pedestrians, traffic signals, and vehicles. Bounding boxes can be replaced by cuboids; the main distinction is that cuboids are three-dimensional. Bounding boxes make it much easier for algorithms to find what they’re looking for in an image and relate the detected object to what they were trained for from a functional standpoint.

Polylines – Polylines are probably one of the easiest image annotation techniques to comprehend (along with the bounding box), as it is used to annotate line segments such as wires, lanes, and sidewalks. By using small lines joined at vertices, polylines are best at locating shapes of structures such as pipelines, rail tracks, and streets.

As you might have guessed, on top of the applications mentioned above, the polyline is fundamental for training AI-enabled vehicle perception models allowing cars to trace themselves in the large road schemes.

Polygons – Polygons are used to annotate the edges of objects that have an often asymmetrical shape, such as rooftops, vegetation, and landmarks. The usage of polygons involves a very specific way of annotating objects, as you need to pick a series of x and y coordinates along the edges.

Because of their adaptability, ability to mark objects with absolute precision, and potential to capture more angles and lines than other annotation techniques, polygons are frequently used in object detection and recognition models. The freedom that annotators have when modifying a polygon’s bounds to accurately indicate an object’s shape whenever necessary is another crucial aspect of polygon image annotation. Polygons are the tool that most closely mimics image segmentation in this regard.

Key points – Key points are used to annotate very particular features such as positions, bodily parts, and face features on top of the target object. You could identify the exact locations of the eyes, nose, and mouth on a human face by employing key points. Particularly since it makes it possible for computer vision models to swiftly read and distinguish between human faces, it is frequently used for security concerns. With the use of this capability, key-point annotation can be effectively employed for biometric boarding, facial recognition, emotion detection, and other applications.

Conclusion – 

Modern technology is being driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, which has an impact on every industry, including healthcare, agriculture, security, sports, and many others. One method for developing better and more dependable machine learning models, and ultimately, more advanced technologies, is image annotation. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of image annotation.

The quality of your machine learning model depends on the training set, so keep that in mind. So you may create a model that produces fantastic results and benefits humans if you have a vast number of precisely annotated photos, videos, or just any data.

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