Is Time Travel Possible?
I’m stuck at home, you’re stuck at home, we all are stuck at home. Jetting off to some fun-filled destination. flying off to some fun-filled destination like we used to might not be in the cards for a little while yet. But what about travelling through time? And not just the boring day,
where we wait for the upcoming day to arrive one second at a time. What could happen if you zip through time at will, travelling forward to future and backward to the past as easily as pressing buttons on the dashboard just like in the movie black to the future.
Time travel has been a fantasy for at least 130 years. What really kick-started scientific investigation into time travel was the idea or concept, dating to the closing years of the 19th century, that time could be envisioned as a dimension, just like space. We can budge easily enough through space, so why not time?
In space, you can go anywhere you want so maybe in time you can comparably go wherever you want,’’ says nick Effingham a Philosopher at the University in the UK. From there, it’s a sop step to the time machine.

Wells was a novelist, not physicist but physics would soon catch up. In 1905, Albert Einstein published the first part of his relativity theory known as special relatives. In it, space and time are malleable; measurements of both space and time hang on the relative speed of an individual doing the measuring.
A few year’s later the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski showed that in Einstein’s theory, space and time could be thought of as 2 parts of single four-dimensional life known as space-time. Then in 1915, Einstein came up with the second part of the theory, known as general relativity. General relativity renders gravity in a new light: instead of thinking of it as a force, general relativity describes gravity as a bending or wrapping of a space time.
But special relativity is enough to get us to begin in terms of moving through time. The theory “initiated that time is much more alike to space than we had previously thought,” says Clifford Johnson, a physicist. “So possibly every possible thing we can do with space, we can also do the same with time.”
Well, almost everything. Special relativity does not give us a way of going back in time, but it does give us a way of going forward and at a rate that you can actually control. In fact, thank to special relativity, you can end up with two twins having different ages, the famous “twin paradox”.
It is entirely provable in special relativity that the astronaut who goes for the journey, if they travel at very nearly the speed of light, will be much younger than their twin when they come back. Interestingly , time emerges just as it always does for both twins. With general relativity, things really begin to get interesting
Time travel – 5 ways that we could do it
Travel to the past is likely impossible. But are there ways to time travel into the future?
In 2009 the physicist Stephen Hawking held a party for time travelers – the twist was he sent out the invites a year later as no guests showed up. Time travel is probably impossible. Even if it were possible, Hawking and others have asserted that you could never travel back before the minute your time machine was built.
But travelling to the future that’s a totally different story. Of course, we are all time travelers as we are swept along in the current of time, from past to future, at a rate of 1 hour per hour. But, as with the river, the current flows at different speeds in different places. Science as we know it allows for several methods to take the fast track into the future.

1. Time Travel via Speed
This is the earliest and more practical way to time travel into the future, and goes really fast. According to Einstein theory of special relativity, when you travel at speed approaching the speed of light, time decreases for you relative to the external world. This is not just a conjecture experiment – it’s been measured. Using twin atomic clocks (1 flown in a jet aircraft, the other at rest on Earth) physicists have displayed that a flying clock ticks slower, because of its speed.
In the case of the aerodynamic, the effect is minuscule. But if you were in a spaceship travelling at 90% of the speed of light, you did experience time passing about 2.6 times slower that it was back on earth. And the closer you get to the speed of light, the more extreme time travels. The highest speeds achieved through any human technology are probably the protons whizzing around the Large Hadron Collider at 99.9999991% of the speed of light. Using special relativity we can compute 1 second for the proton is equivalent to 27,777,778 sec, or about 11 months, for us living here.
2. Time Travel via Gravity
The next technique of time travel is also inspired by Einstein. According to this theory of general relativity, the stronger the gravity you feel, the slower the time moves. As you get closer to the earth core, for example, the strength of gravity rises. Time runs at a slower rate for your feet than your head. Again this effect has been dignified in 2010, physicists at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) placed two atomic clocks on shelves, one 33 centimetres over the other, and dignified the difference in their rate of ticking. The lower one ticked slower as it feels a slightly stronger gravity.
To travel to the face-time ahead, all we require is a region of exceptionally brawny gravity, such as a black hole. The closer you get to the event horizon, the slower time moves – but it’s risky business, cross the frontier and you can never escape. And anyway this effect is not strong so it’s probably not worth the trip. Assuming you had the technology to travel the vast distance to reach a black hole, the time dilation through travelling would be far greater than any time dilation through orbiting the black hole itself.
The most mind blowing thing, perhaps, is that GPS systems have to account for time dilation effects in order to work. Without these connections, your smartphone’s GPS capability wouldn’t be able to pinpoint your location on earth to within even a few kilometers.
3. Time Travel via Suspended Animation
Another way to time travel to the future may be too slow to your perception of time by slowing down, or stopping, your bodily processing and then restarting them later. Bacterial spores can live for millions of years in a state of suspended animation, until the right conditions of temperature, moisture, and food kick start their metabolism again. Some mammals, such as bears and squirrels, can slow down their metabolism during hibernation, dramatically reducing their cell’s requirement for food and oxygen.
Could humans ever do the same? Though completely stopping your metabolism is probably far beyond our current technology, some scientists are working towards achieving a short-term hibernation state lasting at least a few hours. This might be just sufficient time to get a person through a medical emergency, such as a cardiac arrest, before they can outreach the hospital.
In 2005, American scientists illustrated a method to slow the metabolism of mice (which do not hibernate) by exposing them to minute doses of hydrogen sulphide, which are tied to the same cell receptors as oxygen. The key body temperature of the mice dropped to 13 °C and metabolism decreased 10-fold. After 6 hours the mice could be reanimated without poor effects. Unfortunately, similar experiments on sheep and pigs were not successful, suggesting the method would not work for larger animals. Another method, which includes hypothermic hibernation with replacing a blood with cold saline solution, has worked on pigs and is currently undergoing human clinical trials.
4. Time Travel via Wormholes
General relativity also allows for the possibility for shortcuts through spacetime, known as wormholes, which might be able to bridge distances of a billion of light years or more, or different points in time. Many physicists, counting Stephan hawking, believe wormholes are continually popping in and out of existence at the quantum scale, far smaller than atoms. The foible would be to capture one, and inflate it to human scales– a feat that would require a huge amount of vitality, but which might just be possible, in theory. Attempts to prove this either way have stall, ultimately because of the incompatibility between general relativity and quantum mechanics.
5. Time Travel Using Light
Another time travel scheme, put forward by the American physicist Ron Mallet, is to apply a rotating cylinder of light to twist spacetime. Anything dropped in the core of the swirling cylinder could theoretically be dragged around in space and in time, in a similar way to how a bubble runs around on the height of your coffee after you swirl it with a spoon.
According to Mallet, the right geometry could lead to time travel into either the past or future. Science published his theory in 2000,Mallet has been trying to raise the funds to pay for a proof of concept experiment, which involves dropping neutrons through circular arrangement of spinning lasers. His idea has not grabbed the rest of the physics community however, with others arguing that one of the assumptions of his basic model is plagued by a singularity, which is physics speak for it’s impossible.

In my point of view, we continue to daydream about having the freedom to move through time just as we move through space. “TIME IS EMBEDDED” in everything we do. It has a great importance in how we perceive the world. So being able to mess with time, I’m not surprised we are obsessed with that, and fantasies about that. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT TIME TRAVEL CLICK ON THIS LINK :
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