January 25, 2025
Yoga Asanas
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Our everyday life has become quite busy where we can’t really give our time to exercise our body and mind. But if you thing you are really and can’t manage your time to fit in certain things in your schedule then it’s just a myth or say an excuse. According to me, if you think you are busy you truly are not, your mind is just restless.

For this you may need to calm your mind. This can be easily done through the practice of meditation and concentration. You just need to clear your mind and rethink!! In this article we have given you quite the steps to perform some yoga postures to do everyday. By ‘perfecting’ them, you will feel real relaxed and balanced.

Now to get on point, here are the 8 yoga postures or asanas you should perform everyday:

1) Vajrasana (Yoga Postures to do Everyday)

Vajrasana is a simple sitting pose which can be practiced for 15 to 20 minutes daily, especially after the meals as its speeds up digestion. It is also called the diamond pose (‘vajra‘ meaning ‘diamond’). This is yoga posture to do everyday after eating.

Procedure of Vajrasana

  1. First kneel down on a flat surface. You may use a mat. Your lower legs should stretch straight backwards with the toes crossing each other.
  2. Sit with your buttocks resting on the heels and the thighs on the calf muscles.
  3. Your spine should be straight and your head should face forward.
  4. Rest your hands on the knees.
  5. Although not compulsory, you may close your eyes while you focus on your inhalation and exhalation. The breaths you take should be deep.
  6. Beginners may hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes daily and increase the duration gradually up to 20 to 30 minutes.

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2) Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana also known as seated forward bend pose is a sitting pose used for stretching the spine. It is particularly beneficial for diabetic people. And it stretches the spine, hamstrings and shoulders and encourages the free flow of breath. It relaxes your back muscles, relieve mild depression and stress. It also helps in removing anxiety, anger and irritability. By improving the physical well being and also respiration, this asana helps an individual cope with the symptoms of asthma.

Procedure of Paschimottanasana

  1. First lie down on your back on a mat. Then stretch your hands upward, keeping your fingers straight. Inhaled deeply.
  2. With the arms still stretched, slowly raise your body and sit. The spine should be straight and the toes bent towards you.
  3. Slowly raise both arms above your head and straighten your back. This should be done while inhaling.
  4. With slow exhalation, bend forward from the hip joint. Move your chin towards the toes keeping the spine erect.
  5. Place your hands on your legs without over-exerting them.
  6. If you can hold your toes, pull on them to help you go forward. If not do not put under pressure trying to achieve this step. The trick is to start with what you are comfortable with.
  7. Stay in the position as long as possible. Then breathe in and rise, stretching your arms above your head.
  8. Exhale and lower your arms placing your palms on the floor.

3) Tadasana

The prefix ‘tada‘ means ‘palm’, so this asana is also known as palm tree pose. Alternatively, it is also called the mountain pose. It is a simple preparatory asana that is useful to warm up before entering complicated poses. Though it can be performed at any time of the day, it is recommended that you do it 4 to 6 hours after taking your meals. Although its also one of the yoga postures to do everyday.

Procedure of Tadasana

  1. Stand with your arms at the sides.
  2. Now, raise your arms gently upwards stretching them above you. Your arms should be parallel to each other.
  3. Slowly bring your palms together over your head, making sure your shoulders are not hunched.
  4. Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms and chest upwards. Then, raise your heels. Your weight should be balanced on the toes.
  5. Feel the stretch in your body right from your feet to your head.
  6. Hold the pose for a few seconds and exhale as you come down.

4) Trikonasana

Trikonasana or the Triangle pose (‘trikona‘ for ‘triangle’) is another one of standing yoga postures which those wanting to control their weight will find useful. It has three advance forms: utthita trikonasana (extended triangle pose), baddha trikonasana (bound triangle pose) and parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle pose), which should be done only after the basic procedure given below has been mastered.

Procedure of Trikonasana

  1. First stand straight with the knees unbent and the feet about three and half or 4 feet apart.
  2. Turn your right foot completely to the outside by 90 degrees and the left foot inside by 15 degree. Your heels should be kept in line with the hips.
  3. Align the centre of the right heel with the centre of the arch of the left foot. Your feet should press the ground firmly and the weight of the body should be equally balanced on both the feet.
  4. Spread your arms to the sides. They should be parallel to the ground with the palms facing down. Extend your trunk to the right.
  5. Drop the right arm so that right hand reaches the front of the right foot.
  6. Now extend the left arm vertically. Then, twist the spine and trunk gently in a counter-clockwise direction. This time, the spine should remain parallel to the ground.
  7. Stretch the arms away from one another. You may turn your head and look up to intensify the spinal twist.
  8. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breathes. Relax your body with each exhalation.
  9. Repeat the posture by switching the position of the legs

5) Bhujanagasana

Bhujangasana (‘bhujang‘ means ‘cobra‘), also known as cobra pose is one of back bending yoga postures which forms the 8th pose of the 12 poses of Surya Namaskar. One should practice this on an empty stomach; you should have taken your meals at least 4 to 6 hours before practicing this pose. The best timing for performing this Asana is early morning.

Procedure of Bhujanagasana

  1. Lie on the stomach with the legs straight and the feet together.
  2. Place the palms of the hands on the floor underneath the shoulders with the fingers pointing forward.
  3. While inhaling, raise front part of your body.
  4. Very slowly raise the head and chest, arching backwards without lifting the navel off the floor.
  5. Hold for as long as comfortable. Then slowly release by bending the elbows, lowering the navel, chest, shoulders and finally the forehead to the floor.
  6. Return to normal position while exhaling and relax.

6) Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana (‘go‘ means ‘cow‘ and ‘mukha‘ means ‘mouth‘ or ‘face‘) is also known as cow face pose. It has the name because the overall position of the thighs, calves and feet of the person has the appearance of the face of a cow when viewed from above. This position is for practicing on an empty stomach and after bowel movements. It is best to do in the morning.

Procedure of Gomukhasana

  1. Sit on the floor with the your legs stretched out in front of you. Your spine should be erect.
  2. Gently bend your left leg and bring it under your right leg so that the calf rests beneath the right hip. Fold your right leg and position the calf above the left thigh.
  3. Stack your right knee on top of the left one.
  4. Now fold your left arm and place it behind your back. The elbow should point downwards. Fold your right arm and bring it behind the shoulder with the elbow pointing upwards.
  5. Stretch your arms till the two hands are touching each other. Do not worry if you cannot achieve this the first time.
  6. Still keeping the spine straight, open up your chest, then lean back slightly.
  7. Hold this pose for as long as you can taking deep and slow breaths.

7) Shavasana

Shavasana resembles the posture of a dead body. It requires complete relaxation of the body and mind. This is one of yoga postures which is for practicing after an active yoga session to promote healing and rejuvenation.

Procedure of Shavasana

  1. Lie flat on the floor and make sure you are comfortable. Close your eyes.
  2. Place your legs in such a way that your toes are facing sideways.
  3. Place your arms along your body with open palms facing upwards. While doing so, leave a space between your body and arms.
  4. after reaching a position, direct your attention to every area of your body, starting from your toes.
  5. Take slow but deep breaths, allowing your body to go into a state of intense relaxation. Avoid falling asleep.
  6. Once your body feels relaxed and refreshed, roll onto one side, keeping your eyes closed. Hold the position for a minute and rise to sit in sukhasana.
  7. Breathing deeply, become aware of your surroundings before you open your eyes again.

For more info on yoga, check out- Yoga-A healthy lifestyle: All about it.

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